October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month!

October 2, 2023

Every October, the US Department of Labor celebrates National Disability Employment Awareness Month to not only celebrate the business advantage of disabled talent, but also outline actions to take to transform your efforts to align to the national strategy and culture behind disability inclusion.

This year’s theme is Advancing Access and Equity, and coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, providing the backbone of federal support for accessibility and disability inclusion, and one of the first civil rights policy stepping stones that led to the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990.

To celebrate, I used the poster from the NDEAM website to highlight a few friends and allies that I’m proud to have in my life who I know are out there Advancing Equity and Access every day to make a difference for people with disabilities:

Collage of arrows in various colors pointing forward, with images of disabled people at work. The text reads “Advancing Access & Equity, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Celebrating 50 years of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.” Also #NDEAM, #RehabAct50 and dol.gov/ODEP.

To learn more about what your organization can do for this October, or earmark it for October 2024, bookmark and stay in tune with the official NDEAM website at dol.gov/ndeam